

I have to admit, I'm liking my new phone more and more. It's quite convenient to do so much with one device - tracking ride data, playing music, taking pictures, etc. Strava is probably the app I've been most excited about, to see how I stack up against other riders. I also found it to be quite motivating.

With the storm of the year looming just hours away, I set off to find empty trails - a good time to test the Strava waters. I didn't target any specific segments, just rode the normal training loop at semi-race-pace. I did fairly well considering the trails are covered in leaves and pine straw. Towards the end of the ride, I tried riding over a fallen tree a little too fast. I got the front wheel over fine, but the rear popped up too high and sent me over the bars. The landing knocked the wind out of me but no cuts or bruises.

Looking at the individual segments, it turns out that the guy with the most KOMS (King of the Mountain) doesn't even live here any more. Hopefully, we can get the trails cleaned up in another month or two to get some faster times.

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