
A Quest for Fireworks!

My journey began about 30 minutes before sundown. Having already ridden to and from work and an hour with Lucy, my legs felt shot on the first climb. They warmed up soon enough though. Originally I had planned on going into town to catch the fireworks show, but that trip was too long and too crowded, considering I had work at 7am the next morning. Instead, I thought the top of the gondola would provide a good view, but one look at the line confirmed that it was way too long. Luckily, I was prepared with my trail lights. Finding the Village Trail in the fading light proved a little difficult having only ridden it once in the opposite direction. After a couple of detours and  over 700ft of climbing, I finally reached the top with only a minute to spare.

The show was great considering they had three years worth of fireworks stockpiled due to dry conditions previous years. The views of Telluride and Mountain Village at night were equally spectacular. There probably aren't too many places that you can view a fireworks show from above. About two minutes in, people started leaving to avoid the long line at the end. I had no issue staying the entire time, however. The ride down was awesome! I only out-ran my lights a couple times. The pain started again when I hit my neighborhood. The roads in my neighborhood were not meant to be biked, and although they've gotten easier, I doubt they will ever be easy. I got to bed a little late, but it was worth it!

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